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PMSE Chair Announces an Exciting New Forum for Industry, Government, and Non-academic organizations

Please read below for an announcement from Dr. Christina Thomas, the 2025 PMSE Chair.


I would like to share an exciting new forum, Breakthrough in Polymers (BIP), that PMSE is convening this summer at the Washington, DC ACS Fall Meeting. The forum will take place on Monday, August 18, 2025, and will include meals and refreshments.

The Breakthrough in Polymers (BIP) Forum aims to advance professional development of early career polymer scientists and engineers and to enhance interactions between emerging leaders from government labs, industry, and non-academic organizations by bringing them together to discuss current challenges and opportunities in polymer science, materials, and engineering. Industrial, academic, and government leaders will share valuable experiences and ideas with selected invited participants fostering breakthrough and diverse thinking regarding two leading-edge polymer research topics. Participants need not have expertise in the topics to be discussed.

Invited Participants Selection

Participants will be selected via a nomination process. Invitations to selected participants will be based on recommendations by a peer committee composed of PMSE volunteers.  All participants need to be members of ACS and the PMSE Division at the time of the nomination and at the time of the meeting. Selected participants will receive a formal invitation to be part of the inaugural BIP class of 2025.

Expense Reimbursement

PMSE will provide reimbursement for registration fees and one night of hotel stay for participants up to $550 per participant, if requested. Transportation to Washington, DC will be the responsibility of the participants or the participants’ organizations.

Academic, industry, and/or government experts will be introducing the polymer topic and highlighting important aspects related to it. The aim is to foster interactions and nurture polymer leadership between participants.

Nomination Process, Criteria, and Important Dates

The nomination period begins on January 13, 2025, and closes February 7, 2025. All nominees must be members of ACS and the PMSE Division. Peer and self-nominations are accepted. Participants will be selected based on their contributions to the polymer science, materials, and engineering fields during their research. A demonstrated history of active participation in scientific communities within their organizations or externally will be taken into consideration. Their initiative and leadership of projects that contribute to advancement in polymer science and engineering will be key. Efforts in mentoring, coaching, and inspiring the next generation of researchers in polymer science, materials, and engineering will be positively considered. We aim to have a diverse group of participants with breadth in various areas of polymer research. Individuals from groups historically underrepresented in STEM are highly encouraged to apply. 

The selection committee will be composed of PMSE volunteers. The selection committee will communicate invitations to invited members of the inaugural class of 2025 by February 28, 2025.

Invited participants will need to confirm their participation by March 15, 2025, and submit a poster abstract to the ACS Fall Meeting abstracts site (MAPS). Poster topics can pertain to the participants’ current research, their work field, or their student research topic.

The Forum Agenda

During the Forum, the class of 2025, composed of invited participants, will interact with well-known experts and will have ample opportunity to ask questions to further their understanding and provide their input in very important topics in polymers. During group sessions, members of the class of 2025 will be able to network in small groups and further discuss cutting-edge developments in the topic, thereby providing additional exposure to new approaches and techniques and potentially facilitating collaborative work.

The 2025 BIP class will be exposed to the following two topics of great importance to the future of polymer materials, processes and applications:

– Polymer Innovation via Digitalization, and

– Critical Polymeric Materials and Sustainability

The class of 2025 will have an opportunity to learn more about the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Division, focusing on understanding and maximizing member benefits and member contributions.

During this inaugural forum, members of the class of 2025, will present at the PMSE poster session dedicated to early career people and hence interact with ACS Fall attendees working in polymer fields. Both undergraduate and graduate students will be able to join the class of 2025 during a breakout session encouraging interactions and inspiring students to further their careers.

The Forum will take place on Monday August 18, 2025, and a preliminary agenda (subject to change) follows:

AM Session

  • Introductions – Members of Class of 2025
  • Invited Keynote Speaker
  • Invited Business Development Leader
  • Breakout Session and Reporting

Networking Lunch

PM Session (Open to students by invitation only)

  • Invited Keynote Speaker
  • Invited Business Development Leader
  • Breakout Session and Reporting
  • Closing Remarks and Networking

Please nominate a peer or consider self-nominating. We have tried to make the nomination process as simple as possible, but do not hesitate to reach out if you need more information or any clarification.  I or Eileen Ernst, PMSE Administrative Assistant, ( will be delighted to help and can provide further instructions.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to further develop future leaders in polymer science and engineering and for your continuing involvement in the PMSE Division.

Let’s make this forum an enriching opportunity for our future leaders in polymer science.


Dr. Cristina U. Thomas
2025 PMSE Chair