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Fall 2024 Graduate Student Travel Awardees

The PMSE Graduate Student Travel Award is given to provide partial travel support to women and/or under-represented (African American, Hispanic, or Native American) graduate students to attend and present their research at ACS national meetings in the Division of Polymeric Materials:  Science & Engineering.  PMSE is proud to announce the winners of this award for the Fall 2024 ACS Meeting in Denver.

Johns Hopkins University

Advisor:  Howard E. Katz

Enhancing electrical conductivity and power factor in poly-glycol-bithienylthienothiophene with oligoethylene glycol side chains through tris(pentafluorophenyl) borane doping
Symposium: Characterization and Prediction of Properties of Polymeric Materials
Date: Tuesday, August 20

North Carolina State University

Advisor:  Richard Spontak

Thermoplastic elastomers with inherent antimicrobial properties for reduction in the spread of harmful microbes
Symposium: Novel Properties of Polymeric Materials
Date:  Tuesday, August 20

PMSE is actively committed to cultivating a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and respectful community of polymer scientists and engineers.  We welcome continued and new engagement from our membership in helping us to strengthen our policies and take appropriate actions to meet this goal.