PMSE Sponsored Symposiums
Over 30 symposia are held annually across the two American Chemical Society national meetings, and PMSE works with polymeric research groups across the globe to foster international collaboration.
New Orleans, LA: March 20 – 24, 2024
In 1924 at the 67th National American Chemical Society Meeting, the Paint and Varnish Section held their first symposium on paint and varnish chemistry. After 100 years of symposium across 200 national meetings, the members of the Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering Division recognize the century of accomplishments from those early beginnings.
At the 267th American Chemical Society meeting in New Orleans, LA, the Division plans to host multiple symposium and events celebrating the past success and future of polymer material science through chemistry. PMSE has a wide variety of programming for the 100th anniversary of PMSE, which are listed at the following page.
The PMSE / POLY Plenary and Award Presentation will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 20th in the New Orleans Marriott, Grand Ballroom.
Denver, Fall 2024 Preliminary Sessions
Please see the Future Programming page.
Future ACS Meetings
Technical programs are truly the heart of the Division’s activities. To propose a topic, please use see our submission guidelines. The Technical Programming Committee is always happy to assist prospective symposium organizers prior to completion of this form to ensure that the symposium aligns within PMSE’s core audience.
ACS Fall 2022: August 21 – 25 [ Chicago, IL and Online ]
Proposed Symposium Schedule Available
ACS Spring 2023: March 26 – 30 [ Indianapolis, IN ]
Proposed Symposium Schedule Available
ACS Fall 2023: August 13 – 17 [ San Francisco, CA ]
Proposed Symposium Schedule Available
ACS Spring 2024: March 17 – 21 [ New Orleans, LA ]
Scheduling Open – Organize a Symposium
ACS Fall 2024: August 18 – 21, 2024 [ Denver, CO ]
Scheduling Open – Organize a Symposium
ACS Spring 2025: March 23 – 27 [ San Diego, CA ]
ACS Fall 2025: August 17 – 21 [ Washington, DC ]
Past Conferences
Past conference pages are listed here.