New Orleans 2024 ACS National Meeting
In 1924 at the 67th National American Chemical Society Meeting, the Paint and Varnish Section held their first symposium on paint and varnish chemistry. After 100 years of symposium across 200 national meetings, the members of the Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering Division recognize the century of accomplishments from those early beginnings.
At the 267th American Chemical Society meeting in New Orleans, LA, the Division plans to host multiple symposium and events celebrating the past success and future of polymer material science through chemistry.
PMSE has a wide variety of programming for the 100th anniversary of PMSE, which are listed below.
The PMSE / POLY Plenary and Award Presentation will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, March 20th in the New Orleans Marriott, Grand Ballroom.

Key Centennial Events
Celebration of Success and New Frontiers in Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering Symposium
This symposium will highlight research advances and new directions in Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering and honor the contributions of PMSE researchers.
Panel Discussion on the Future of Plastics
This panel discussion with PMSE researchers will explore future research directions in the fields of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering.
Future Leaders of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering Symposium
This symposium will honor graduate student and postdoctoral researchers who have made significant contributions to their respective fields within Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering and are selected as PMSE Future Leaders.
PMSE Centennial-Themed Poster Sessions
The PMSE/POLY poster sessions will be held at the Marriott, near the location of the symposia. There are centennial-themed poster sessions for graduate students, undergraduate students, and early career researchers.
PMSE Centennial Reception for All PMSE Members
PMSE members have received an email with the reception details, which will take place on Monday evening of the ACS spring meeting.
PMSE Schedule (Primary Sympsoium at New Orleans Marriott)
Sunday Sessions
[PMSE Centennial] Future Leaders of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering |
02:00pm – 06:00pm (Regent) |
2D Materials-Polymer Interfaces and Nanocomposites |
08:00am – 12:00pm & 02:00pm – 06:00pm (Galerie 1) |
Adaptive Materials from Dynamic Polymer Networks and Composites |
08:00am – 12:00pm & 02:00pm – 06:00pm (Galerie 3) |
Biodegradable Polymers, Biodegradation of Polymers, Bio-Derived Polymers |
08:00am – 12:00pm & 02:00pm – 06:00pm (Galerie 4) |
Fundamental Characterization and Properties of Polymers |
08:00am – 11:30am (Regent) |
Next Generation Structural Nanocomposites |
08:00am – 11:35am & 02:00pm – 05:10pm (Mardi Gras Blrm B) |
Novel Applications of Polymeric Materials |
08:00am – 11:45am & 02:00pm – 05:45pm (Galerie 5) 02:00pm – 05:30pm (Galerie 6) |
Polymers That Are Non-Linear |
08:00am – 11:40am & 02:00pm – 05:30pm (Mardi Gras Blrm A) |
Synthesis, Processing, and Fabrication of Polymeric Materials |
08:00am – 12:00pm (Galerie 6), 08:00am – 12:00pm (Mardi Gras Blrm C) |
Monday Sessions
[PMSE Centennial] Future Leaders of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering |
08:00am – 12:00pm (Regent) |
Centennial Poster Session for Graduate Students |
01:30pm – 03:30pm (Studio 3 – 10) |
[PMSE Centennial] Celebration of Success and New Frontiers in Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering |
02:00pm – 05:40pm (Regent) |
2D Materials-Polymer Interfaces and Nanocomposites: |
08:00am – 12:00pm & 02:00pm – 05:00pm (Galerie 1) |
Adaptive Materials from Dynamic Polymer Networks and Composites |
08:00am – 11:50am & 02:00pm – 06:00pm (Galerie 3) |
Biodegradable Polymers, Biodegradation of Polymers, Bio-Derived Polymers |
08:00am – 11:50am & 02:00pm – 05:50pm (Galerie 4) |
Department of Defense Symposium on Excellence in Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering |
08:00am – 12:00pm & 02:00pm – 05:40pm (Galerie 5) |
Functional Conjugated Polymers: Design, Synthesis, Characterization, and Emerging Applications |
08:00am – 12:00pm & 02:00pm – 06:00pm (Galerie 6) |
Next Generation Structural Nanocomposites: Ceramic Nanocomposites and Interface Dynamics |
08:00am – 11:30am & 02:00pm – 05:40pm (Mardi Gras Blrm B) |
Novel Applications of Polymeric Materials |
03:00pm – 05:00pm (Virtual) |
Polymers That Are Non-Linear: |
08:00am – 11:40am & 02:00pm – 05:40pm (Mardi Gras Blrm A) |
Tuesday Sessions
Centennial Poster Session for Graduate Students |
01:30pm – 03:30pm (Studio 3 – 10) |
[PMSE Centennial] Celebration of Success and New Frontiers in Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering |
08:00am – 11:40am & 02:00pm – 05:40pm (Regent) |
[PMSE Centennial] Panel Discussion: The Future of Plastics |
12:00pm – 2:00pm (Gallery 2) |
100 Years of Polymer Structures: Active Materials for Thin Films and Interfaces |
02:00pm – 05:40pm (Mardi Gras Blrm B) |
2D Materials-Polymer Interfaces and Nanocomposites |
08:00am – 12:00pm & 02:00pm – 06:00pm (Galerie 1) |
Advances in Polymer Materials for Biotechnology |
08:00am – 12:00pm & 02:00pm – 06:00pm (Galerie 3) |
Cooperative Research Award: Symposium in Honor of Frank S. Bates, Ha Pham, Hung-Jue Sue, and Nikhil Verghese |
08:00am – 11:00am (Galerie 1) |
Department of Defense Symposium on Excellence in Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering |
08:00am – 11:40am & 02:00pm – 05:05pm (Galerie 5) |
Functional Conjugated Polymers: Design, Synthesis, Characterization, and Emerging Applications |
08:00am – 12:00pm & 02:00pm – 06:00pm (Galerie 6) |
Kathryn C. Hach Award for Entrepreneurial Success: Symposium in Honor of Cato Thomas Laurencin |
08:00am – 12:00pm (Mardi Gras Blrm B) |
Machine Learning, Data, and Automation for Polymer Discovery |
08:00am – 11:20am & 02:00pm – 06:00pm (Galerie 4) |
PMSE/POLY Poster Session |
12:00pm – 02:00pm (Virtual) |
Polymeric Materials for Sustainability |
08:00am – 12:00pm & 02:00pm – 06:00pm (Mardi Gras Blrm A) |
Synthesis, Processing, and Fabrication of Polymeric Materials |
10:00am – 11:00am (Virtual) |
Wednesday Sessions
[PMSE Centennial] Future Leaders of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering |
08:00am – 11:40am (Regent) |
PMSE Centennial Poster Session for Early Career Researchers in Academia, Industry, and National Labs |
01:30pm – 03:30pm (Studio 3 – 10) |
PMSE Centennial Poster Session for Undergraduate Students |
01:30pm – 03:30pm (Studio 3 – 10) |
100 Years of Polymer Structures: Active Materials for Thin Films and Interfaces |
08:00am – 11:35am & 02:00pm – 05:10pm (Mardi Gras Blrm B) |
2D Materials-Polymer Interfaces and Nanocomposites |
08:00am – 10:40am (Galerie 1) |
Advances in Polymer Materials for Biotechnology |
08:00am – 12:00pm & 02:00pm – 06:00pm (Galerie 3) |
Fundamental Characterization and Properties of Polymers |
08:00am – 11:15am (Galerie 5) & 02:00pm – 05:15pm (Regent) |
Machine Learning, Data, and Automation for Polymer Discovery |
08:00am – 11:55am (Galerie 4) |
Novel Applications of Polymeric Materials |
02:00pm – 06:00pm (Galiere 4) & 02:00pm – 05:30pm (Galerie 1) |
PMSE/POLY Poster Session: |
10:30am – 12:30pm (Studio 3 – 10) |
Polymers for a Circular Economy |
08:00am – 12:00pm & 02:00pm – 06:00pm (Mardi Gras Blrm A) |
Synthesis, Processing, and Fabrication of Polymeric Materials |
08:00am – 11:30am & 02:00pm – 06:00pm (Galerie 6) 02:00pm – 05:45pm (Galerie 5) |
PMSE Centennial Silver Sponsors



Chemical Science

Polymer Chemistry

RSC Advances

RSC Applied Polymers
PMSE Centennial Bronze Sponsors


University of Houston
William A. Brookshire Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering

University of Notre Dame

University of Florida Research
PMSE Centennial Sponsors

Waters – TA Instruments

Chemglass Life Sciences

National Science Foundation
Centennial Focused Symposia
PMSE Centennial: Celebration of Success and New Frontiers in Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Melissa Grunlan, Texas A&M
Christopher Soles, NIST
LaShanda Korley, University of Delaware
Qinghuang Lin, Lam
The PMSE Division celebrates our 100th year in 2024. This symposium will highlight research advances and new directions in Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering and honor the contributions of PMSE researchers.
PMSE Centennial: Panel Discussion on the Future of Plastics
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Michael Silverstein, Technion
Timothy Bunning, AFRL
YuanQiao Rao, Dow
Rachel Letteri, University of Virginia
The PMSE Division celebrates our 100th year in 2024. This panel discussion with PMSE researchers will explore new research directions in the fields of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering.
PMSE Centennial: Future Leaders of Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Hyunki Kin, 3M
Kelly Burke, University of Connecticut
Abhishek Roy,
Matthew R. Golder, University of Wisconsin
The PMSE Division celebrates our 100th year in 2024. This symposium will honor graduate student and postdoctoral researchers who have made significant contributions to their respective fields within Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering and are selected as PMSE Future Leaders.

PMSE Centennial Poster Session for Early Career Investigators in Academia, Industry, and National Labs
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Cristina Thomas,
Adrian Figg, University of Vermont
Bhavya Singhi, Zeus, Inc.
Early career researchers (within 5 years of Ph.D.) in academia, industry, and national labs are encouraged to submit their poster to this session in order to be considered for this PMSE Centennial Poster Award.
Centennial Poster Session for Graduate Students
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Cristina Thomas,
Adrian Figg, University of Vermont
Bhavya Singhi, Zeus, Inc.
Current graduate students are encouraged to submit their poster to this session in order to be considered for this PMSE Centennial Poster Award.
Centennial Poster Session for Undergraduate Students
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Cristina Thomas,
Adrian Figg, University of Vermont
Bhavya Singhi, Zeus, Inc.
Current undergraduate students are encouraged to submit their poster to this session in order to be considered for this PMSE Centennial Poster Award.
Spring 2024 PMSE Meeting/Symposia Sponsors

ACS Publications

Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials


DEVCOM, Army Research Laboratory



UES, Inc.

Waters – TA Instruments

Air Force Research Laboratory

University of Colorado at Boulder

PPG Industries, Inc.
Technical Symposia
100 Years of Polymer Structures: Active Materials for Thin Films and Interfaces
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Thomas Seery, University of Connecticut
Luyi Sun, University of Connecticut
William Brittain, Texas State University
As a celebration of our 100-year history of the polymer hypothesis, we propose a symposium on active polymeric materials in thin films and interfaces. This symposium will include featured speakers from Germany, especially Freiburg, where Prof. Staudinger elaborated his seminal idea of polymers as covalently linked chain molecules and where the tradition of excellence in polymer research have continued. The symposium will explore recent developments in functional polymers, including but not limited to active materials and responsive materials for various applications.
2D Materials-Polymer Interfaces and Nanocomposites
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Lucas Beagle, UES, Inc.
W. Joshua Kennedy, AFRL
Monica Katiyar, Indian Institute of Technology
Babak Anasori, Purdue University
This symposium will highlight the latest developments in the interfacial chemistry and engineering of the hard/soft 2D materials interface. The expansion of the classes of 2D materials including: graphene, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), transition metal carbides and nitrides (MXenes), covalent organic frameworks (COFs), metal chalcogenide phosphates (MCPs), and perovskites among many others, has given rise to the study of an intriguing set of material properties. Combined with advances in functional polymer platforms that augment the intrinsic properties of the 2D material, little is known about this so-called “hard/soft” interface. This symposium will cover the chemistry, engineering, and fundamental investigations of the polymer/2D material interface with topics involving synthesis, functionalization, heterostructures, characterization, and chemistries of the hybrid materials and their incorporation into useful form factors such as: solution processable inks, opto-electronic devices, sensors, catalysts, memory devices and more. Interdisciplinary topics related to chemistry materials science, mechanics, physics, and engineering will be presented by invited speakers in order to accelerate the development of this exciting class of materials and applications. Interdisciplinary presentations from invited speakers are also aimed to motivate synergistic research collaborations in the fields of functional polymers and 2D materials interfaces. Additionally, the symposium organizers are very passionate about including a diverse set of invited speakers, with many international and government speakers, as well as more balanced representation from prominent female scientists.
Adaptive Materials from Dynamic Polymer Networks and Composites
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Matthew J. Webber, University of Notre Dame
Luke A. Baldwin, AFRL
Chris Evans, University of Illinois
Polymer materials offer promising solutions to some of the world’s most urgent challenges. Compared to traditional thermoplastics and thermoset networks, polymer networks with dynamic junction chemistries that rely on non-covalent, supramolecular, and dynamic-covalent interactions provide many advantages in creating materials that are more easily processed, applied, and recycled than their “static” counterparts. By incorporating dynamic bonds, a wide range of polymer materials have been developed to yield dynamic and reconfigurable networks for various applications, such as injectable hydrogels for biomedicine, alternative plastics, flexible electronics, and energy harvesting/storage devices. This symposium aims to unify these disparate applications through a shared focus on designing and engineering dynamic polymer network interactions and dynamic composite materials, to connect and advance this growing field.
Advances in Polymer Materials for Biotechnology
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Kaitlyn Crawford, University of Central Florida
Davide Simone, Wright Patterson Air Force Base
Nancy Kelley-Loughnane, Wright Patterson Air Force Base
Polymers are becoming increasingly important in advancing biotechnology applications, from enzyme engineering to biorealistic materials discovery. This symposium highlights recent discoveries that utilize biology to manipulate polymer structure and use polymer-based materials to imitate biology. Enzyme engineering techniques that allow control over components such as chirality and monomer sequence can greatly contribute to the fields of optics, computing, and medical technologies. Additionally, mimicking biology through polymers can improve our comprehension of functions such as neuromodulation, neuromorphic computing, and the growth of biomaterials like muscle and skin.
Biodegradable Polymers, Biodegradation of Polymers, Bio-Derived Polymers: Sustainable Chemistry Drive to a Better Life
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Cheng Shen, Dow Chemical Investment Co., Ltd.
Henri Cramail, University of Bordeaux
Christopher Letko, Dow, Inc.
This symposium will cover: (a) Understanding polymer structure design vs. its biodegradation in broad chemistry; (b) propose new bio-feedstock potentially used in bioderived polymers; (c) study the comparison of carbon footprint of conventional polymers vs. biodegradable or bioderived ones, and understand the benefits in a circular economy; (d) showcase sharing of the use of biodegradable or bio-derived polymers in diverse industries and their performance gap vs. the conventional materials; (e) advanced prediction modelling of polymer degradation; (f) a survey to identify the technology barrier to solve biodegradable/bioderived polymers, including the challenges on test methodology
Biological and Biologically Inspired Adhesion: Enhanced Bonding at the Interface between Life and Materials Science
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Mark Kozlowski, US Army Research Laboratory
Jin Kim Montclare, NYU Tandon School of Engineering
Henry Hess, Columbia University
Francisco Cedano, Saint-Gobain Research Paris
This symposium will cover: (a) Understanding polymer structure design vs. its biodegradation in broad chemistry; (b) propose new bio-feedstock potentially used in bioderived polymers; (c) study the comparison of carbon footprint of conventional polymers vs. biodegradable or bioderived ones, and understand the benefits in a circular economy; (d) showcase sharing of the use of biodegradable or bio-derived polymers in diverse industries and their performance gap vs. the conventional materials; (e) advanced prediction modelling of polymer degradation; (f) a survey to identify the technology barrier to solve biodegradable/bioderived polymers, including the challenges on test methodology
Cooperative Research Award Symposium, In Honor of Frank S. Bates, Ha Pham, Hung-Jue Sue, and Nikhil Verghese
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations – Award
Howard Creel, 3M
Luyi Sun, University of Connecticut
The Cooperative Research Award in Polymer Science and Engineering recognizes the cooperative research between industrial and academic or industrial and national laboratory scientists. The winners of the 2024 Cooperative Research Award are the collaborative research team of Hung-Jue Sue at Texas A&M University, Frank S. Bates at the University of Minnesota, Nikhil Verghese at the Dow Chemical Co. (currently SABIC) and Ha Pham at The Dow Chemical Co. (retired).
This close collaboration between industrial and academic researchers addressed the challenge of toughening epoxy resins while enhancing processing performance for industrial applications. The symposium will highlight their work and future advances in technical fields of interest to the awardees.
Department of Defense Symposium on Excellence in Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Dhriti Nepal, AFRL
Kenneth Caster, AFRL
Robert Lambeth, AFRL
Matthew Laskowski, Naval Research Laboratory
In the past century, polymeric materials science and engineering have tremendously impacted our nation and beyond on critical technology development ranging from structural materials to functional devices for military and defense industries. In addition, these technologies have directly influenced many other sectors, including automobiles, energy, bio-medicals, sensors, and household commodities. This symposium celebrates the success of a group of selected scientists from DOD funded programs who made a tremendous impact through their fundamental research in polymeric materials, especially related to the design and characterization of functional materials, advances in optics and electronics, coatings, and sensors. In addition to technical talks, this symposium will have an expert panel session (academia, industry, and government labs) to discuss current challenges and future opportunities. The topics include leveraging partnerships with cross-sectors and interdisciplinary teams, increasing productivity, efficiency, competitiveness, and accelerating breakthroughs. In addition to technical talks, this symposium will have an expert panel session. This panel will include world-renowned experts (academia, industry, and government labs) to discuss current challenges and future opportunities. The topics include leveraging partnerships with cross-sectors and interdisciplinary teams, increasing productivity, efficiency, competitiveness, and accelerating breakthroughs.
Functional Conjugated Polymers: Design, Synthesis, Characterization, and Emerging Applications
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Lei Fang, Texas A&M University
Derya Baran, King Abdullah University of Science & Technology
Laure Kayser, University of Delaware
Xiaodan Gu, University of Southern Mississippi
This symposium will be a truly interdisciplinary event covering a broad range of topics including conjugated polymers, theoretical computation, synthetic chemistry, polymer physics, doping, redox processes, process engineering, and device applications.
General: Fundamental Characterization and Properties of Polymers
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Cristina Thomas,
Check back for full description.
General: Novel Application of Polymeric Materials
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Cristina Thomas,
Check back for full description.
General: Synthesis, Processing, and Fabrication of Polymeric Materials
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Cristina Thomas,
Check back for full description.
Kathryn C. Hach Award for Entrepreneurial Success: Symposium in Honor of Cato Thomas Laurencin
Sponsored by: POLY with co-sponsorship by PMSE
Oral Presentations from Invited Speakers
Elizabeth Cosgriff-Hernandez, University of Texas
Check back for full description.
Machine Learning, Data, and Automation for Polymer Discovery
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Jie Xu, Argonne National Laboratory
Helen Tran, University of Toronto
Connor W. Coley, MIT
The need for optimized design, synthesis and processing conditions is ubiquitous in technology, impacting fields as diverse as electronics, medicine, metallurgy, solar energy conversion and multifunctional coatings. However, obtaining a target material with desired properties is time-intensive because of the high-dimensional and complex synthetic and processing parameters space. The sampling of the large synthetic and processing landscape is generally done through human intuition, based on the knowledge of physical chemistry principles, and trial-and-error approaches, leading to clustered, sparse and incomplete datasets. In the past decade, automated robotic technologies have been shown to markedly increase productivity in both medicine and materials science research fields by offloading repetitive works from human scientists and performing experiments in faster speed, greater precision, and better accuracy. With the aid of high performance computing in recent years, artificial intelligence (AI) has been successfully applied to hard materials and small molecule discovery and engineering. Physically-informed machine learning approaches including clustering, regression, and Bayesian methods, as well as artificial neural networks, have been applied towards these elements, and have used and contributed to publicly accessible databases. This new experimental paradigm has enormous potential benefits, as the robotic hardware and AI software technologies required to realize this goal are just reaching maturity. The proposed symposium will address the main progress and challenges in the research of AI-guided polymer synthesis and processing, and cover the entire life cycle of these studies, from computational design, physically-guided AI, experimental automation, to control methods, synthetic databases, and robotic integration. The proposed symposium will have both invited and contributed talks.
Next-Generation Structural Nanocomposites: Advances and Challenges
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Matt Dickerson, AFRL
Rebekah Sweat, Florida State University
Daniel Savin, University of Florida
Olivia McNair, Florida State University
This symposium will discuss new frontiers of polymer matrix nanocomposites for current and future structural applications, with topics covering advancements and challenges in novel chemistries and morphologies, new syntheses, dispersion processes, characterization, and modeling. Specific topics include nanocomposite dispersion and stabilization, nanocomposites in unique polymer systems, nanoscale fillers for high- temperature and pre-ceramic polymers, data science (AI/ML), molecular and mesoscale simulations, nanocomposites in structural thermoplastic and thermoset polymers, nanofillers as mechanical property modifiers. Further topics may include advanced characterization with electron microscopy (SEM, STEM, EELS, and electron tomography), scanning probe microscopy (AFM, AFM-IR, peak-force), in situ-spectroscopy, synchrotron X-ray and neutron, and miniaturized mechanical testing, as well as multiscale simulation effort, includes classical, quantum-mechanical, coarse-grained, finite-element, and informatics.
Polymeric Materials for Sustainability: Carbon Neutral/Negative Polymer Technollgies for Energy and the Environment
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Avery Baumann, NIST
Hee Jeung Oh, Penn State University
Lucas Flagg, NIST
YuanQiao Rao, Dow Co.
Technologies enabling carbon neutral/negative energy economies employ polymer and polymer-composite materials owing to their ability to serve as selective membranes, barriers, charge carriers, or active species in devices. This symposium will highlight advances in research applying polymer materials in areas of carbon capture, membrane separations for water and fuel purification, chemical conversion, and energy harvesting/storage applications. Further development of these materials for cutting-edge device performance requires a multidisciplinary approach that embraces fields of polymer science, chemical and materials engineering, chemistry, and physics. We encourage submissions that span the pipeline of materials development including design, preparation, modeling/simulation, characterization, and device testing.
Polymers for a Circular Economy
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Andre Yvon-Bessett, Dow, Inc.
Alberta Carpenter, NREL
Styliani Avraamidou, University of Wisconsin
his session will focus on technologies and strategies aiming to give a second life to valuable polymeric materials and that enable the circular economy. The topics covered will include:
- polymer design for recyclability and development of chemical aids
- pre- and post-treatments to increase Post-Consumer Recycled (PCR) content to enable mechanical recycling
- mechanistic studies of catalytic and chemical transformations for recycling of polymers to enable chemical recycling
- upcycling of waste plastics into value-added raw materials
- analyses to evaluate the impacts (i.e., circularity, economic, social and environmental) of circular plastics ecosystems. This would include analysis to cover the system’s level perspective from process to supply chain to economy to global to evaluate potential feasibility and tradeoff for emerging technologies to be implemented into the market
- Other topics on polymer circularity are welcome, especially around ecosystem level optimization
Polymers that are Non-linear
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Scott M. Grayson, Tulane University
Daniel Savin, University of Florida
This will cover a broad range of topics related to non-linear polymers, including the design, synthesis, characterization as well as the mechanical and physical properties of these complex systems. These will include cyclic polymers, dendrimers, star polymers, and supramolecular materials. This will re-establish both younger and experienced investigators for this emerging area.
PMSE/POLY Plenary Lecture and Awards Reception
Sponsored by: PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
PMSE and POLY Executive Committees
Check back for full description on who will be presenting the plenary talk.
WCC Celebrates Chemistry Beyond the Binary
Sponsored by: WCC, with cosponsoring by PMSE
Oral Presentations from Submissions
Madalyn Radlauer, San Jose State University
Bee Kelley, University of Arkansas
This symposium celebrates chemistry performed by LGBTQIA+ and non-binary individuals as the Women Chemists Committee works to build intentional spaces for any chemist who has faced gender discrimination. Presentations will include time for both science and a discussion of challenges faced by LGBTQIA+ and non-binary chemists. This symposium includes invited speakers and an open poster session and will be tied to the programming for the Women in the Chemical Enterprise Breakfast (ticketed event).