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We are the Division of Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE)

PMSE is an American Chemical Society Division that provides a polymer-based forum for the exchange of technical information and activities to foster interactions in polymer materials science and engineering.

PMSE is a volunteer based organization, with elected officers. councilors and members at-large chosen by the membership. A large group of volunteers help run PMSE acitivites throughout the year.

Message from the Chair – 2023

Dear fellow members of the PMSE Division,

It is an honor and privilege to serve as the 2023 PMSE Division Chair. I would like to start by thanking Lisa Baugh for her leadership in 2022, as well as the other past chairs who have all made their mark on the Division as we grow and evolve.

This year will be an exciting one for the PMSE Division! We are finally getting clarity on what the “new normal” will look like in terms of meetings, and the theme of the Spring ACS meeting, “Crossroads in Chemistry” reflects this. We as a Division have a unique opportunity to adapt our operations to this new normal in order to maximize the benefit to our members. In the fall, the theme of the ACS meeting in San Francisco will be, “Harnessing the Power of Data”. We have a robust technical program and will have many exciting symposia at each of these meetings.

All of this is in anticipation of PMSE’s 100th Anniversary celebration in 2024!
Stay tuned for more details!

I am often asked about the value of PMSE membership. Every year when we get our ACS renewal, there is a little part of us that asks what we get for our $20 division membership fee. While there is no “one size fits all” answer, I offer some benefits for being an active member of the PMSE Division:

Arguably the greatest value of PMSE membership is in the technical programming at national and regional meetings. The Division offers robust programming in all areas of polymer materials, and PMSE funds provide support to symposia in order to bring in the best scientists and engineers from across all sectors of chemistry. PMSE also supports meetings for sister organizations (like GRC conferences), and PMSE programming at regional meetings is continually growing. PMSE programming allows for exciting science as well as networking opportunities for its members.

Along the lines of networking, PMSE members come from all technical and employment sectors of polymer chemistry, materials, and engineering. We have a high proportion of members from industry, as well as members from academia and national laboratories. The Division links technical programming with other ACS Divisions. We have a long-standing partnership with the POLY Division, and we are creating new links with BIOT (starting in the Indianapolis meeting) and others. If you are looking to expand your technical network, PMSE is the Division in which to do this.

The Division is continually growing links Internationally. The Division has a long-term partnership with the Chinese Chemical Sciences Polymer Division, where PMSE and the CCS-PD alternate joint symposia at their representative national meetings. In the Spring 2023 meeting, PMSE will be hosting an Asia Pacific Young Scientist symposium, and in the Fall 2023 meeting, PMSE will be hosting the USA-Israel Joint Symposium that highlights collaborative research between the two countries. Finally, the PMSE Division hosts the ACS Global Outstanding Student and Mentor Awards in Polymer Science and Engineering, sponsored by CME. As hybrid meetings become the norm for the ACS, international links provide a mechanism to bring global research to the Division.

The Division is actively engaging the next generation of polymer scientists and engineers. Every year the Division hosts the PMSE Future Faculty workshop for senior graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. In concert, we host the PMSE Young Investigators Symposium to highlight younger members starting their careers in exciting areas of research. Still a graduate student? The PMSE Division sponsors the Eastman Chemical Student Award. The PMSE/POLY student chapter network is continuously growing! We are expanding annual awards to student chapters, as well as special awards like the “Above and Beyond” award for student members. This is all in addition to expanding the number of poster awards given at national meetings. If you are established, the PMSE Division lets you meet up and coming scientists and engineers. If you are still a graduate student, PMSE has plenty of opportunities for you to get involved.

PMSE is actively committed to cultivating a diverse, equitable, inclusive, and respectful community of polymer scientists and engineers. We are continually expanding the resources available to provide the highest value to our members, from technical workshops available to Division members only, to upcoming networking events. This is an exciting time to be a PMSE member. If you are not a member, please consider becoming part of this supportive community. The first year is free!

I would like to thank the other PMSE officers with whom I have the pleasure of working, as well as the executive committee and all of our dedicated volunteers. There are many opportunities available for you to get involved in the PMSE Division. Our mission is to foster interactions and provide a forum for technical exchange in the field of polymeric materials. How can PMSE help advance your work – we’d love to hear from you.

Your 2023 PMSE Chair,

Daniel A. Savin

Department of Chemistry
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611

Daniel A. Savin
University of Florida

Commitment to Diversity and Inclusion

The PMSE Division believes in the strength of diversity in all its forms because the discussion of ideas and experiences has been at the genesis of all modern scientific advancements. The inclusion of and respect for diverse people, experiences, and ideas leads to superior solutions to world challenges and advances chemistry as a global, multidisciplinary science. We strive to treat colleagues with respect, encourage them, learn with them, share ideas honestly, and give credit for their contributions.