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Resources for Polymer Science and Engineering

MACRO is a newly created committee that is being support by both the POLY and PMSE divisions of ACS. Current leadership includes Philip Costanzo from California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (POLY) and Dominik Konkolewicz Miami University, Ohio (PMSE). See their webpage at

Public courses on Polymer Science are available from the following sources:

Other polymer education resources are available

The ACS Speaker Directory has a list of highly qualified professionals who present on topics of material science and polymers.

For Polymers Research, please use the following link (requires an ACS login): Polymer Speaker Directory

For Materials Research, please use the following link (requires an ACS login): Materials Speaker Directory

Polymer Information Databases

CAMPUS Database
A large database of material properties for commercial polymer grades, collected from online datasheets.  This data is focused toward resins sold by material producers.

A property database for polymeric material design, with data mainly from academic resources.  A login is required, but it is free to register.  PoLyInfo is supported through the government of Japan through NIMS, National Institute for Materials Science. 

Polymers Database (Login required) 
A property database maintained by Wiley in support of their book, Polymers: A Property Database. Data within the book is searchable online through various different methods.

User Facilities

NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR)
The NCNR focus is on providing neutron measurement capabilities to the U.S. research community.  Instruments are available for through a biannual call for proposals.  Proposals are usually due March and November, but please check the webpage for details.  nSoft, which focuses on neutron-based measurements for manufacturing of soft materials, is a private/public consortium had polymer specific instruments with dedicated beam time.

Neutron Sciences at ORNL
The neutron source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has two calls for proposals per year.  Access to the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences (CNMS) characterization facilities is also available.  The spring 2018 proposal call will close February 21, 2018, for experiments anticipated to run at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) from June to December 2018, and at the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) from July to December 2018.  A description of Department of Energy User Labs can be found at the DOE webpage.

Scientific Societies

ACS And Other Polymer Journals


Macromolecules publishes original research on all fundamental aspects of macromolecular science including synthesis, polymerization mechanisms and kinetics, chemical modification, solution/melt/solid-state characteristics, and surface properties of organic, inorganic, and naturally occurring polymers. The papers showcase innovative concepts, experimental methods/observations, and theoretical approaches. That research is presented in comprehensive reports, brief communications to the editor, and technical notes.

ACS Macro Letters

ACS Macro Letters publishes research in all areas of contemporary soft matter science in which macromolecules play a key role, including nanotechnology, self-assembly, supramolecular chemistry, biomaterials, energy generation and storage, and renewable/sustainable materials. Submissions to ACS Macro Letters should justify clearly the rapid disclosure of the key elements of the study. The scope of the journal includes high-impact research of broad interest in all areas of polymer science and engineering, including cross-disciplinary research that interfaces with polymer science.

With the launch of ACS Macro Letters, all Communications to the Editor that were formerly published in Macromolecules will be published as Letters in ACS Macro Letters.


Biomacromolecules is a leading forum for the dissemination of cutting-edge research at the interface of polymer science and biology. Submissions to Biomacromolecules should contain strong elements of innovation in terms of macromolecular design, synthesis and characterization, or in the application of polymer materials to biology and medicine.

Topics covered by Biomacromolecules include, but are not exclusively limited to: sustainable polymers, polymers based on natural and renewable resources, degradable polymers, polymer conjugates, polymeric drugs, polymers in biocatalysis, biomacromolecular assembly, biomimetic polymers, polymer-biomineral hybrids, biomimetic-polymer processing, polymer recycling, bioactive polymer surfaces, original polymer design for biomedical applications such as immunotherapy, drug delivery, gene delivery, antimicrobial applications, diagnostic imaging and biosensing, polymers in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, polymeric scaffolds and hydrogels for cell culture and delivery.

Also From ACS

Other Journals

PMSE Preprints and New Archives

PMSE Preprints

In Spring 2015, PMSE voted to stop publishing PMSE Preprints in conjunction with national ACS meetings. The Spring 2015 volume of PMSE Preprints (Vol. 112) is the final volume to be published. This website provides ordering, access, historical, and other information regarding all existing volumes of PMSE Preprints. Details are provided on the PMSE Preprints page.

PMSE News Archives and Newsletters

Please go to the separate page with a full list of PMSE news releases.

Archived newsletters are available from 2002 to 2020.