Symposium Collaborations
PMSE has been working with divisions across the globe to expand the network of science communication. Highlighted here are the two most recent groups which PMSE has collaborated with for improved network and technical communication.
Polymer Division, China Chemical Society – Chinese language only
The Polymer Division, Chinese Chemical Society (PDCCS) was established in 1955 preceded by the Committee of Polymer Compounds.
The PDCCS and PMSE have have three cross-continent collaborative meetings, connecting members of both societies in technical research and innovation. Please contact (??) for more information on our current co-developments.
ACS Brazil International Chemical Sciences Chapter
The ACS Brazil International Chapter held the first Pan-American Polymer Science Conference (PanPoly)n 2017, held in Brazil. Along with the Associação Brasileira de Química (ABQ) and Associação Brasileira de Polímeros (ABPol), PMSE and ACS have been working towards improved collaboration in polymeric chemistry and material research between both North and South America.
The Global Network of Polymer Science and Technology
Listed below is a collection of societies from around the globe which support polymer science and technology from within chemical, material, or biological science and engineering societies. If there are sites which are mission or you would like to collaborate with PMSE, please let us know.
- European Polymer Federation
- European Material Research Society
- Belgian Polymer Group
- Groupe Francais d’Etudes et d’Applications des Polymeres (France)
- Grupo Especializado de Polimeros de la RSEQ y RSEF (Spain)
- GDCh-Fachgruppe Makromolekulare Chemie (Germany)
- Asian Polymer Association
- The Society of Polymer Science, Japan
- The Polymer Society, Taiwan
- The Polymer Society of Korea (PSK)
- Polymer Division, Chinese Chemical Society (PDCCS)
- The Society for Polymer Science, India