Denver 2024 ACS National Meeting
In 1924 at the 67th National American Chemical Society Meeting, the Paint and Varnish Section held their first symposium on paint and varnish chemistry. The celebration of 100 years of the Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering Division continues in Denver, Colorado.
At the 268th American Chemical Society meeting in Denver, CO, the Division plans to host multiple symposium and events celebrating the past success and future of polymer material science through chemistry.
The PMSE / POLY Plenary and Award Presentation will be held at 6:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 21st in the Sheraton Downtown Denver hotel, Grand Ballroom II

Key Events
Panel Discussion: Opportunities And Challenges In AI-Accelerated And Data-Driven Design Of Polymeric Materials
Tuesday, August 20, 2:30 – 4:00 pm, Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Windows Room.
Panel Discussion: Collaboration Between PMSE And Polymer Society Of Korea For Innovation In The Next Frontier And Beyond
Wednesday, August 21, 4:40 – 5:40 pm, Sheraton Denver Downtown Hotel, Columbine Room.
Monday, August 19, 8:00 – 10:00 Pm, Colorado Convention Center, Hall A-C.
PMSE Poster Sessions
Four poster sessions will be held throughout the meeting in the Plaza / Exhibit Foyer
- PMSE General Poster Session I – Sunday, August 18, 1:00 – 3:00 PM, Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza/Exhibit Foyer
- PMSE General Poster Session II – Sunday, August 18, 4:00 – 6:00 PM, Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza/Exhibit Foyer
- PMSE Graduate Research Poster Session I – Monday, August 19, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza/Exhibit Foyer
- PMSE Graduate Research Poster Session II – Wednesday, August 21, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM, Sheraton Denver Downtown, Plaza/Exhibit Foyer
PMSE Awards
ACS Fellows from PMSE
ACS Global Outstanding Student Award in Polymer Science and Engineering
Pamela Cai, Laura Rijns
ACS Global Outstanding Mentor Award in Polymer Science and Engineering
Patricia Dankers, Andrew Spakowitz
Best Poster Awards for Graduate Students
Best Poster Awards for Undergraduate Students
Winners chosen at the Poster Session
Eastman Chemical Student Award in Applied Polymer Science Finalists
Hesham Aboukeila, Sarah Fisher, Rishi Gurnani, Tianjian Yang, Matthew Sanders, Rachel Huang
Graduate Student Travel Award
Henkel Award for Outstanding Graduate Research in Polymer Science and Engineering
Shu Wang
PMSE Early Investigators
Stephanie Barbon, Johannes C. Brendel, Liheng Cai, Wan-Ting Chen, Kaitlyn Crawford, Yifan Dong, Matthew Golder, Miao Hong, Jovan Kamcev, Laure Kayser, Yoonseob Kim, Abigail Knight, Svetlana Morozova, Poornima Padmanabhan, Jihye Park, Luqing Qi, Eleftheria Roumeli, Michael Schulz, Amir Sheikhi, Junpeng Wang, Xiaoguang Wang, Mostafa Yourdkhani, Cheng Zhang, Aleksandr Zhukhovitskiy
PMSE Future Faculty
Jill Alty, W. Ryan Archer, Pamela Cai, Chaojian Chen, Ryan Clarke, Leiqing Hu, Kuljeet Kaur, Seunghyeon Kim, Jianhui Liu, Lukas Michalek, Matthew Ribera, Tracy Schloemer, Bharath Venkatesh, Kunyu Wang, Shu Wang, Zhen Wang, Peiran Wei, Kelsie Wentz, Lianqian Wu, Hao Yu
Roy W. Tess Award in Coatings – Wenjun Wu
Emerging Stars of Regenerative Engineering
Amir Abedini, Shivakalyani Adepu, Seyyedmorteza Attari, Manaswee Barau, Timothy Cheung, Madeleine Goedegebuure, Fatemeh Hosseini, Amir Khan, Rachel Marchini, Elnazsadat Mirdamadi, Chinedu Ude, Taraje Whitfield
Rock Stars of Regenerative Engineering – Jason Burdick, Johnny Huard, Phi;lip Messersmith, Laura Niklason, Buddy Ratner, Molly Shoichet, William Wagner, Fan Yang
Shining Stars of Regenerative Engineering
Whitney Stoppel, Xinlong Wang
ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science
Frank Bates
Bioconjugate Chemistry Young Investigator Award
Abhishek Chatterjee
Journal of Polymer Science Innovation Award
Athina Anastasaki
Symposium Sponsors


Antor Parr

Avery Dennison

Cornell University, Material Science and Engineering


Journal of Polymer Science
Award Sponsor
Royal Society of Chemistry
SCI: The Society of Chemical Industry

PMSE Schedule
Please see the full list at:
Sunday Sessions
- Advanced Polymers for Purification of Water & CO2, and their Direct Capture from Air CO2 Capture
- Navigating the Nanoscale: Innovations in Molecular Dynamics Simulations & Machine Learning for Polymeric Materials
- PMSE Future Faculty Symposium
- The Fate of Polymers: Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Microplastics & Degradation Strategies
- Characterization & Prediction of Properties of Polymeric Materials
- Fabrication & Processing of Polymeric Materials
- PMSE Future Faculty Symposium
- Porous Polymers
- The Fate of Polymers: Perfluoroalkyl Substances, Microplastics & Degradation Strategies
- Advanced Polymers for Purification of Water & CO2, and their Direct Capture from Air
- Fabrication & Processing of Polymeric Materials
- Navigating the Nanoscale: Innovations in Molecular Dynamics Simulations & Machine Learning for Polymeric Materials
- Novel Applications of Polymeric Materials
Poster Sessions
- PMSE General Posters, 1:00 – 3:00 pm
- PMSE General Posters, 4:00 – 6:00 pm
Monday Sessions
- Advanced Polymers for Purification of Water & CO2, and their Direct Capture from Air
- Bioconjugate Chemistry Young Investigator Award
- Navigating the Nanoscale: Innovations in Molecular Dynamics Simulations & Machine Learning for Polymeric Materials
- PMSE Future Faculty Symposium
- Synthesis, Properties & Application of Sustainable Polymers
- Advanced Patterning Chemistry: Materials & Methods for Next Generation Semiconductors
- Advanced Patterning Chemistry: Materials & Methods for Next Generation Semiconductors
- Novel Applications of Polymeric Materials
- Porous Polymers
- Advanced Polymers for Purification of Water & CO2, and their Direct Capture from Air CO2 Capture & Water Harvest
- Eastman Chemical Student Award in Applied Polymer Science
- PMSE Early Investigator Symposium
- Synthesis, Properties & Application of Sustainable Polymers
- Advanced Patterning Chemistry: Materials & Methods for Next Generation Semiconductors
- Navigating the Nanoscale: Innovations in Molecular Dynamics Simulations & Machine Learning for Polymeric Materials
- Novel Applications of Polymeric Materials
- Porous Polymers
Poster and Virtual Sessions
- PMSE Sci-Mix (Evening)
- PMSE Graduate Researchers Poster Session, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
- Science & Engineering of Polymeric Materials
Tuesday Sessions
- Characterization & Prediction of Properties of Polymeric Materials
- Novel Applications of Polymeric Materials
- PMSE Early Investigator Symposium
- Porous Polymers
- Roy W. Tess Award in Coatings: Symposium in Honor of Wenjun Wu
- Henkel Award for Outstanding Graduate Research in Polymer Science & Engineering: Symposium in honor of Shu Wang
- Synthesis, Properties & Application of Sustainable Polymers
- Climbing Macromolecular Ladders: Elevating the Design, Synthesis, Properties & Applications of Ladder Polymers
- ACS Award in Applied Polymer Science: Symposium in Honor of Frank S. Bates M. A. Hillmyer, Organizer, Presiding
- PMSE Early Investigator Symposium
- Roy W. Tess Award in Coatings: Symposium in Honor of Wenjun Wu
- Journal of Polymer Science Innovation Award: Symposium in Honor of Athina Anstasaki Financially supported by Wiley
- Novel Applications of Polymeric Materials
- Porous Polymers
- Synthesis, Properties & Application of Sustainable Polymers
Poster and Virtual Sessions
Science & Engineering of Polymeric Materials
PMSE General Posters, 1:00 – 3:00 pm
PMSE Graduate Researchers Poster Session, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Wednesday Sessions
- Climbing Macromolecular Ladders: Elevating the Design, Synthesis, Properties & Applications of Ladder Polymers
- Synthesis, Properties & Application of Sustainable Polymers
- PMSE/PSK Joint Symposium: Chemistry Knows No Borders
- Porous Polymers
- Rock Stars of Regenerative Engineering
- Characterization & Prediction of Properties of Polymeric Materials
- Climbing Macromolecular Ladders: Elevating the Design, Synthesis, Properties & Applications of Ladder Polymers
- PMSE/PSK Joint Symposium: Chemistry Knows No Borders
- Fabrication & Processing of Polymeric Materials
- Rock Stars of Regenerative Engineering
- Synthesis, Properties & Application of Sustainable Polymers
Poster and Virtual Sessions
- PMSE Graduate Researchers Poster Session, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
- Science & Engineering of Polymeric Materials
PMSE Co-Sponsored Symposia Schedule
Sunday Sessions
- CME-NASA Symposium
- Interfacial Processes for Microplastics Removal from Water
- Mark Scholar Young Award
- Phosphorus-Containing Polymers
- Chemistry & Physics of Polymer Interlayers for Solar Cells
- Stimuli-Responsive Polymers as Functional Biomaterials
Monday Sessions
- Advances in Fluorine Containing Polymers & Composites
- Chemistry & Physics of Polymer Interlayers for Solar Cells
- CME-NASA Symposium
- Elevating Waste Carbon Utilization for a Circular Economy
- Interfacial Processes for Microplastics Removal from Water
- Phosphorus-Containing Polymers
- Stimuli-Responsive Polymers as Functional Biomaterials
- 20 Years of Virginia Tech Macromolecules Innovation Institute
Tuesday Sessions
- Advancing Protection Through Materials Design Current Topics in Tunable & Adaptive Materials
- CME-NASA Symposium
- Data Analytics & AI for Manufacturing & Healthcare
- Elevating Polymer Chemistry to New Heights: Polymers for Future Space Missions: Academia & Government
- Stimuli-Responsive Polymers as Functional Biomaterials
- 20 Years of Virginia Tech Macromolecules Innovation Institute
- WCC Celebrates Chemistry Beyond the Binary
Thursday Sessions
- Advancing Protection Through Materials Design
- Data Analytics & AI for Manufacturing & Healthcare
- Chemical Recycling & Upcycling of Polymer Waste
- Elevating Waste Carbon Utilization for a Circular Economy Biomass & Analysis
Wednesday Sessions
- Advances in Fluorine Containing Polymers & Composites
- Chemical Recycling & Upcycling of Polymer Waste
- Data Analytics & AI for Manufacturing & Healthcare
- Elevating the Power of Data for Materials & Chemical Scientists
- Elevating Waste Carbon Utilization for a Circular Economy
- 20 Years of Virginia Tech Macromolecules Innovation Institute