Polymer Information Databases
CAMPUS Database
large database of material properties for commercial polymer grades,
collected from online datasheets. This data is focused toward resins
sold by material producers.
property database for polymeric material design, with data mainly from
academic resources. A login is required, but it is free to register.
PoLyInfo is supported through the government of Japan through NIMS,
National Institute for Materials Science.
Polymers Database (Login required)
A property database maintained by Wiley in support of their book, Polymers: A Property Database. Data within the book is searchable online through various different methods.
User Facilities
NIST Center for Neutron Research (NCNR)
NCNR focus is on providing neutron measurement capabilities to the U.S.
research community. Instruments are available for through a biannual
call for proposals. Proposals are usually due March and November, but
please check the webpage for details. nSoft,
which focuses on neutron-based measurements for manufacturing of soft
materials, is a private/public consortium had polymer specific
instruments with dedicated beam time.
Neutron Sciences at ORNL
neutron source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory has two calls for
proposals per year. Access to the Center for Nanophase Materials
Sciences (CNMS)
characterization facilities is also available. The spring 2018
proposal call will close February 21, 2018, for experiments anticipated
to run at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) from June to December
2018, and at the High Flux Isotope Reactor (HFIR) from July to December
2018. A description of Department of Energy User Labs can be found at
the DOE webpage.
Scientific Societies
ACS Divisions
- ACS Polymer Chemistry Division
- ACS Rubber Division
- ACS Colloid and Surface Chemistry Division
- ACS Organic Chemistry Division
- ACS Physical Chemistry Division
Associations Outside of ACS
- APS Division of Polymer Physics
- Materials Research Society
- American Physical Society
- Society of Plastics Engineers
- Polymer Processing Society
Outside of the United States
- European Polymer Federation
- European Material Research Society
- Belgian Polymer Group
- Groupe Francais d’Etudes et d’Applications des Polymeres (France)
- Grupo Especializado de Polimeros de la RSEQ y RSEF (Spain)
- GDCh-Fachgruppe Makromolekulare Chemie (Germany)