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PMSE Distinguished Service Award

The PMSE Distinguished Service Award is given to recognize extensive, sustained contributions and service to the Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Division

2024 Award Winner

Prof. Dominik Konkolewicz
Miami University

The PMSE Distinguished Service Award is given to recognize extensive, sustained contributions and service to the Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Division. Dominik Konkolewicz is a Professor of Chemistry at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. He started his career in polymer materials as an honours undergraduate student at the University of Sydney, followed by a PhD (2011) also at the University of Sydney, where he focused on mechanisms of controlled polymerization and polymers with complex architecture. His postdoctoral research at Carnegie Mellon University (2011-14) explored both mechanistic and materials applications of precisely controlled polymers. Since starting his independent career in 2014 at Miami University in Oxford Ohio, he leads a team of ~10 graduate students and postdocs with an added team of 10-15 undergraduate students. The Konkolewicz group currently focuses on chemically and thermally responsive networks, light controlled polymerization and degradation, bioconjugates and polymers that self-assemble with lipids.  Dominik has co-authored over 150 peer reviewed manuscripts on polymers and polymer materials.

Dominik has been an ACS and PMSE member since 2011 and he has actively volunteered since early in his independent career which started in 2014. Dominik’s contributions to PMSE include being the lead and founding member of the Macromolecular Alliance for Community, Resources and Outreach (MACRO) (PMSE Co-Chair 2019-2022, Member 2019-present), an educational initiative in collaboration with the POLY division that freely provides curricular, outreach, and professional development resources to the community. Dominik has also led PMSE’s  Webinars (2022-present). which is complementary to the MACRO educational efforts and focuses on techniques and characterization in polymer science. Most recently, Dominik has been a Member at Large (2021-2022), is currently the PMSE treasurer (2023-2024) and is committed to further service in the organization.

Award Details

The awardee will receive a $1500 prize, plaque and a $1500 maximum travel allowance to attend the Spring ACS National Meeting where the award is presented at the evening reception.


The award was inaugurated in 1993 with Roy W. Tess for his decades of service.


Nomination packages should follow package submission guidelines detailed below.

Past Recipients

Nominations and Award Process


The PMSE Distinguished Service Award is given to recognize members who have demonstrated extensive and extended contributions and service to the mission of the Polymeric Materials: Science and Engineering (PMSE) Division.

Rules of Eligibility

The award is granted to an individual who is a current PMSE member and multiple years of engagement with PMSE, with substantial active involvement in the division (e.g., serving as a leader on the Division’s Executive Committee, organizing many large symposia, serving PMSE on the ACS Council, leading important committee activities, etc.).

Nominations Package

The first awardee was in 1993, recognizing Roy W. Tess’s enormous work to the PMSE division.  It has continued as a yearly award with 23 awardees to date.

Nominations are to be submitted by August 30 of each year to the Chair of the PMSE Distinguished Award Committee. The nomination must include: (1) curriculum vitae and (2) supporting letter(s) describing the significance of the service to the PMSE division. Nominations should be submitted by someone other than the nominee. Nominations that are not successful will be kept active and considered in subsequent evaluations each year for four years.

Award Selection

The award committee will select the recipients and consists of members in good standing with PMSE Division.

Award Announcement and Nature

Awardees will be notified in the calendar year prior to the award year.

The awardee will receive a $1500 prize, plaque and a $1500 maximum travel allowance to attend the Spring ACS National Meeting where the award is presented at the evening reception.

Past Winners

2023 Peter Johnson, SABIC

2022 Timothy Bunning, AFRL

2021 Melissa Grunlan, Texas A&M University

2020 David Chung, ExxonMobil Chemical Company

2019 Jay DaisExxonMobil Chemical Company 

2018 David A. SchiraldiCase Western Reserve University

2017 Charles E. Carraher, Florida Atlantic University

2016 Lisa Baugh, ExxonMobil

2015 Benny Freeman, University of Texas, Austin

2014 Christopher K. Ober, Cornell University

2013 David Bauer, Exponent, Inc.

2012 Leslie H. Sperling, Lehigh University

2011 Elsa Reichmanis, Georgia Institute of Technology

2010 Michael Jaffe, New Jersey Insititute of Technology

2009 David J. Lohse, ExxonMobil Company

2008  Murrae J. Bowden

2007 George R. Pilcher

2006 S. Richard Turner

2005 Larry F. Thompson

2004 Ray Dickie

2003 Theodore Provder

2002 Charles E. Carraher

2001 John Lupinski

2000 Sandy Labana

1999 Clara D. Craver

1996 Kenneth N. Edwards

1995 Louis J. Nowacki

1994 E. E. McSweeney

1993 Roy W. Tess